Tuesday, July 17, 2012


"Making Passionate Love VS Fucking"

Over the years of working with so many un-balanced people, one of most important things I learned is that Men and Women are confused about what the difference is between 'Making Passionate Love and Fucking'. For the most part, they seem to equate Sex with Love. It isn't totally incorrect but somehow along the way, the meaning of it all got twisted around. Perhaps, it was due to sexual abuse of some sort; the neglect of parents, or bad mentorship. Life isn't Fair period.

I once belonged in the 'similar' category of meaningless thinking, but only for a very brief time.
I loved Passionately, with no 'prejudice' and loved to Fuck as much as anybody else!
However, I have always known that there was a difference! Always!

Sure, I experimented. I even instigated naughty behavior most of the time!
I did so with 'eyes wide open' and heavy on the mental notes because I wanted to know the reality of the bullshit, I was dealing with!

We've all 'Fucked' and been fucked many times. Some were good and some not so good.
Others were just plain Shitty! I find it to be a waste of time, if I can't regard it as a memorable experience. I don't mean memorable as in : "That was a Fuck Fest!"
Orgasms are always great to have but how do you feel afterwards? Do you feel like carressing that person after the deed? Do you even want to look at their face? Or do you just wanna get the hell out of there? Perhaps, you knew all along that you were gonna feel like shit being around that person after the fucking is done, but you did it anyway for the gratification of getting off?

It's understandable! Let me ask you this:
Have you ever looked at your Lover and felt like consuming them, while they are consuming you? It's a double whammy! You just wanna Lick and Eat them...
Not caring about your Orgasm, but looking to Please them as much and as often as they can handle.
This is just a small bit of it.

What makes 'Love-Making' passionate?
Is it the speed and the ferocity? Is it the 5 minute foreplay?
Is it the Dirty Talk? Is it the size of certain body parts? Is it the Fit of your genitals together?
Is it because you're both fucked up on booze and drugs?...
What's your take? Let's hear some comments!


  1. Wow! I am really liking your honesty and stories Maxine. I am following your blog! I would love to answer those 8 questions via email! LOLOL:) I cannot wait for Part 2! Cheers and Much Love your way! BRAVO!

  2. Its the passion and feeling of oneness of our bodies together. And dirty talk too. :)

  3. jagtattoo (aka John)July 20, 2012 at 5:57 PM

    You're absolutely right Max. Intercourse without emotion in just plain fucking. I can't ever remember being intimate with someone I didn't have some kind of feelings for. It just didn't seem right. Does that make me wierd?

    1. No, You are NOT weird my friend, you are with a good mind that is connected with your heart,,,Bravo!

  4. Thank you so much friend! Hope you enjoy the rest of the stories!

  5. Do you ever ask someone to 'make love to me'? & is it possible to "make love" anally? My girlfriend says no, as it's a more submissive act, and raunchy. Great blog, thanks!
